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Outreach Ministries & Prayer Requests

2017 Community Meal.jpg
2017 Blessing of the Animals.jpg
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Mission & Ministry


We at St. Andrew try to abide by the Five Marks of Mission in our worship and in our outreach programs. Here are some ways to get involved at St. Andrew:

Otsego County Food Pantry

One day every month we serve at the Otsego County Food Pantry. This consists of packaging and distributing food to members of our community who are in need. It requires some physical lifting, but it is a meaningful mission. Please join us if you are able.


Patriot Place

The second Sunday of the month is "Patriot Sunday." A special collection is taken and supplies that are needed by the residents of Patriot Place in Gaylord are purchased and delivered.


Aspen Ridge

The musicians from St. Andrew play music on the third Thursday of the month for the seniors that live at Aspen Ridge, an Adult Foster Care Home near the church, bringing a little fun to our neighboring seniors. We play from 3-4 pm. Please feel free to join us!


We participate in the Gaylord Area CROP Walk, an event sponsored by Church World Services on the last Sunday in September. This annual walk raises money for our own Otsego County Food Pantry as well as other hunger and disaster needs around our country and the world. We rotate the hosting church each year.


Blessing of the Animals

Every year on the first Saturday of October, in honor of Feast of St. Francis, we hold a Blessing of the Animals at the Otsego County Animal Shelter. Pets from across the area come for a blessing and a celebration of all God's creatures. A Blessing is also held at the church the following Sunday.


Angel Tree

Every November we collect Christmas gifts for Otsego County children who might not otherwise have any gifts under the tree. This ministry is conducted under the direction of the Otsego County United Way program and Toys for Tots.

Prayer Requests


Pray for those who are Ill or otherwise in Need

Judy Doyen, Josh Howell, Beverly Howell, Lotta Westlund, Roxann Morin, Barb Austin, Joanne Roe, Gerry & Marirose Rehagen, Patti Moore, Pam Fairchild, Boughner Family, Truax Family, Brad & Maureen Derenzy, Bill Skinner, Ramona Skinner, Ted & Elaine Carlock, Richard Williams, Coppernoll Family, Carol Greene, Linda Lucas, David Doyen, Laura Morris, Myra Morris, Margo R., Donald Polla & Family, Darin Polla & Family, Erin, Wendy McCallum, Jim Reinhardt, Dani K., Maureen Burke, Dave Olds, Mary Stafford, Derek P., Leslie, Merhdad


Pray for PEACE throughout the world

Pray for an end to gun violence

Pray for those grieving the loss of a loved one


Pray for our Church

Our Presiding Bishop the Most Rev. Michael Curry

Our PB Elect the Rt. Rev. Sean Rowe

The President of the HOD Julie Alaya Harris

The Standing Committee of our Diocese

Our Priest The Rev. Pamela Lenartowicz

Our Vestry and other Lay leaders of the Parish

Our Parish Family


Pray for our Community

The people of Gaylord and the surrounding communities

Our Police, Sheriffs and State Troopers

For the hungry and homeless that they may find food and shelter


Pray for our Country

President Joseph Biden

Vice President Kamala Harris

Governor Gretchen Whitmer

Lt. Governor Garlin Gilchrist

Our National and State Congresses

Our Military men and women throughout the world

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